2023 Goal Setting: Take Time to Reflect

Maybe you have a lot of ideas for some 2023 goals! Or, maybe you have zero ideas beyond finally organizing those closet shelves. The first step in goal setting has nothing to do with setting goals, so relax. Grab a decaf coffee and put on your favorite house sweater because we are about to get cozy!

Your 2023 journey starts with reflection. It’s time to go inside, dig deep, and pull out all of those feels. The word reflection might trigger meditation, peace signs, and Walden Pond retreats, but I promise reflection can take any form that suits you. Personally, I find reflection best through writing. By writing how I feel, I can let my thoughts run through the pen, not knowing where I will arrive. If I just think my thoughts, they get all scrambled and I can’t make sense of them! If I write them, I follow the yellow brick road. But if writing is not for you, drawing or walking may be a better route (pun intended).

Whatever your reflection transportation mode is, consider these questions as your thought-starters:

  1. What worked in 2022 that you want to bring with you to 2023? Think of it like cleaning out your closet. What fly outfits deserve another year on your instagram?

  2. What did not work for you in 2022 that you want to throw in the trash or in the donation bin? It’s ok to leave stuff behind.

  3. What are some of your hopes and dreams for 2023? Please, don’t limit yourself. If you dream of being on American Idol, write it down! Maybe it won’t happen, but it doesn’t mean that it isn’t occupying space in your dreamland.

  4. What are some of your fears as you enter the new year?

Take your time with these questions. You might want to tackle one question a day. You may need more time to think through your fears as opposed to your hopes and dreams that came spilling out. The goal (oh wait! I said no goal setting!) is to get in a frame of mind to start planning for 2023 armed with more self-knowledge on where you currently are and where you want to be in December, 2023.

Now, go make that chamomile tea, buy a new journal, and think all of the things.


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