2022 Goal Setting: Other Resources

I hope you’ve enjoyed following my goal setting process this month. There is no one way to set goals. And there is no wrong way to set goals. You have to find what works for you and what inspires you the most.

With that said, I would be remiss if I didn’t share some of my favorite resources for goal setting!

  1. I recently read Atomic Habits and cannot recommend it enough. I am guessing you have a few goals this year that would require you to create a new habit. If so, this is a great book for you.

  2. Speaking of habits, you probably have some habits you need to break. How Women Rise is a great read to help you with anything that might be holding you back in the workplace.

  3. I am a huge fan of Gretchen Rubin’s work. At her advice, I make a list each year that corresponds to the number in the year. I encourage you to also consider making a 22 in 2022 list. Not ever item on your list has to be a showstopper. One of mine is to wear more chapstick! The best part of this list is that you most certainly won’t do it all. Progress over perfection, friends.

I’d love to know what other resources you use to set your goals for the year!


My Return to Peloton


2022 Goal Setting: Prioritizing Programs